We are in the business of change. After decades of research and clinical practice, we often wonder:

If change is inevitable, why do so many smart leaders make a production of it?


Every business must adapt and improve to succeed. That’s the impetus for change.

When leaders decide that a major change is crucial, they feel compelled to start a process that signals how serious things are. Big problems call for BIG solutions. Incremental progress seems too slow, so they embrace big change programs as if they are necessary for success.

Implementing change projects requires determined leadership, extra effort from everyone, and abundant willpower to succeed.

But these big projects are risky, even when the best people are enlisted to work with the latest, most promising change processes.

Studies show that as few as 30% of change management projects pay off.

Like any major initiative, change efforts are marathons, not sprints. They suck up cash and take months to plan and longer to implement. Meanwhile, unforeseen challenges emerge, complications arise as competitors adjust, and internal resistance simmers under the surface.

Even the few, lucky successful initiatives are exhausting and take their toll on morale and employee engagement.

No wonder most leaders believe that change is hard!

But while it may be true that change is inevitable, big change projects are not.

Big change projects arise from the notion that significant results come only after major transformations. But when the desired outcomes are first identified precisely, they become easier to achieve and any necessary transformation follows naturally.

Interchange has found a faster, easier, less risky way for businesses to adapt and improve based on a radically different understanding of how things change. We use an approach we call Minimalist Intervention™.

For 35 years C-suite executives have worked with Interchange to co-design small, catalytic executive actions that deliver the changes they want—usually in a few weeks—not months and years. Clients completely avoid the trials and tribulations of large-scale change efforts, combining their own detailed knowledge of their business and industry with Interchange’s change Know-How to deliver the changes they want through these tiny but powerful, targeted interventions.

Some things we at Interchange believe about change

With Interchange, change doesn’t have to be so hard, because we think about and work with change in a very unconventional way.

If you’d like to learn more about:

Contact us via email with your questions at
or call Dave Franzetta at
+1 (949) 2958069
to schedule an appointment to talk with us about your situation and find out more about how Interchange may be able to help you.

What Clients Say About Us

“How do they get it all done so quickly?! One might think they’d require a process taking months. Yet it never took more than one or two 4-hour sessions to produce the scores of minimalist interventions we worked through together.”

—CFO at leading real estate brand

“There is no one doing what Interchange is doing. It’s very. different from traditional high-end consultancies that come with legions of subject matter experts and parse a ton of data. In Interchange’s approach, they don’t need industry- specific knowledge.”

—Chief Executive Officer at Technology Corporation

“Over the years, I’ve brought in countless consultants and advisors who helped us with lots of individual pieces of a puzzle. What was different about Interchange was they changed the puzzle.”

—Chief of Surgery, major Healthcare system, quoted in Wired UK


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